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Reel Grinding Support – Express Dual

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    Please find Frequently Asked Questions below!

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    • This operation should only be carried out by suitably trained personnel.

      Loosen the nut on the stone carrier (sleeve and nut) whilst the assembly is still on the mainshaft. NEVER hold the sleeve and nut assembly in a vice. It could easily be distorted.

      Carefully examine the new grindstone for any signs of damage such as chips or cracks. Also look for signs of water damage (a dark stain in one area that will leave a grindstone out of balance) If the stone is damaged or you are at all unsure, DO NOT use that grindstone. Make sure that the mounting surfaces of the grindstone are clean with no grit. The mounting faces of the stone carrier (sleeve and nut) should be similarly clean. Tighten the retaining nut by hand. Fully tighten once the assembly is fitted on to the mainshaft. Remember that the nut should be towards the left hand side of the machine from the operator's position.

      ALL new grindstones should be dressed after fitting. If the grindstone runs out of balance loosen the retaining nut and rotate the grindstone on it's mounting about ¼ turn. Re-tighten the retaining nut and try again.

    • Definitely NOT – the relief has no effect upon the cut.

    • The brackets must be set so that the front roller (and reel axis) are parallel to the grind stone mainshaft.

      On older pattern brackets set them with an engineer's depth gauge or measure off the front main member of the Express Dual – it is factory precision ground. Later adjustable (and retrofittable) brackets can be set to the scales provided.

    • Colour the blades with a marker pen or use rusty blades. Grind hard and briefly and then examine the blades. You will see that only (mostly) the rear of each blade is ground, showing the relief being ground off the back edge of the blade.

    • Until the fork obstructs the grind.

    • As hard as you feel comfortable, up until just before you see vibration/movement of the mower on the machine. The Express dual is designed to grind in this apparently aggressive way. If you do not grind hard enough, you will gain no 'auto-relief' from the springs in the feed columns.

    • Until the grind noise drops off slightly but there is still good contact between the reel and the stone, and the blade edges are sharp.

    • No! The pressure from the springs in the feed columns will be released so that when the stone goes back onto the reel the compression may take more off the ends of the reel and it may not cut at the ends.

    • It has been overloaded and has stretched. The mainshaft may not have been cleaned properly, resulting in too much effort to pull along it. Clean the mainshaft thoroughly, including the keyways, and the whole set of traverse transfer parts.

    • It has stretched. The mainshaft may not have been cleaned properly, resulting in too much effort to pull along it. Clean the mainshaft thoroughly, including the keyways, and the whole set of traverse transfer parts.

    • Can be as a result of improper cleaning or bad maintenance.

    • The stone may need dressing.

      The stone carrier sleeve and nut may be worn.

      The traverse fork may be damaged.

    • This might appear as “shuddering” or “sticking” during the traverse rather than a smooth movement along the mainshaft.

      Friction caused by trying to move along a dirty or improperly cleaned mainshaft.

      Clean out below the sleeve with WD40. Spray fluid into the gap between sleeve and mainshaft from each end. Work the sleeve and nut back and forth along the shaft and spray again. Spray and clean the whole mainshaft and move the sleeve and nut along the whole length of the mainshaft. Wipe off any excess fluid. (In an extreme case the sleeve and nut may have to be removed for absolute cleaning).

    • Nothing really. Sometimes it reflects a slight imperfection on the stone (dress it) – or perhaps the reel is not true. Sometimes vibration frequencies “resonate”, try varying the reel spin speed slightly.


    • The led balance lights show the relative position of one side of the mainshaft to the other so that a parallel grind can always be applied. The green led shows both sides are the same relative to the point at which the reset button was pressed (Where light even stone to reel contact is made across the length of the reel) An amber light on one side shows that more feed is applied on that side handwheel. A red led shows that the additional feed on that side is considerable. Winding the opposite handwheel will restore balance and the green led.

    • You lose all relief.

    • You will get a rough job but it may still cut. Obviously the reel moves on its bearings and the job being done will be only as good as those bearings.

    • Continue a firm grind until the grind noise drops off slightly but there is still good contact between the reel and the stone, The blade edges should be sharp on checking.

    • The stone should contact the reel just in front of the bedknife without touching the bedknife or brackets securing the mower to the grinder.

    • The spring under the handwheel is too loose and needs to be compressed more.

    • Have you recently changed the grind stone/sleeve and nut?

      The mainshaft bearing has been replaced on the shaft in the wrong place, so that the side arm is sticking in the feed column guide channel.

      Look for “rubbing” between side arm and channel and re-position main bearing so that the side arm is free and in the centre of the guide channel.

      To check, bounce on the handwheel, side arm and shaft should move up and down freely with no sticking, or Lift the side arm and shaft and let go, it should fall freely back onto the feed nut.

      The stone may need dressing – dress the stone.

      There may be some vibration resonance – try varying the reel spin speed.

      The collar (Stone carrying Sleeve and Nut) may be worn.

    • The stone may need dressing – dress the stone.

      The collar (Stone carrying Sleeve and Nut) may be worn.

    • Once the grind stone is set to the reel, apply an equal cut at each side of the machine (on current/recent Express Dual, keep the grind in the “green zone” of the feed display).

    • Have the  freshly ground, straight bedknife correctly positioned in the cutting unit but not fully tight (free as if to adjust). Push the bedknife against the reel; and check for contact at every blade across the reel. If there is a gap at one end, measure the gap with a feeler gauge. This is the amount to remove from the opposite end of the reel to true it up

    • There are two answers:

      Spin grind: Yes.

      Relief grind: in many cases it is possible, but usually you will be grinding the bedknife (or replacing it), so you will be removing the bedbar anyway. Set up is faster and simpler with the bedbar removed, so relief and spin grind on the Dual Master before replacing the bedknife.

      There are two answers:

      Spin grind: Yes.

      Relief grind: in many cases it is possible, but usually you will be grinding the bedknife (or replacing it), so you will be removing the bedbar anyway. Set up is faster and simpler with the bedbar removed, so relief and spin grind on the Dual Master before replacing the bedknife.

    • There are two answers:

      Spin grind: Yes.

      Relief grind: in many cases it is possible, but usually you will be grinding the bedknife (or replacing it), so you will be removing the bedbar anyway. Set up is faster and simpler with the bedbar removed, so relief and spin grind on the Dual Master before replacing the bedknife.

    • Set it in the middle of the adjustment range and it should be correct for almost all situations. If it fails to keep the reel blade on the rest, check the bearings on your unit. If there is excessive noise from the friction between reel blade and rest, try reducing the tension a little.

    • Slacken one bolt using the supplied hex wrench, and unplug the electrical connection. The whole head can be removed in 20 seconds. This then makes cleaning very easy.

    • This bracket is primarily designed for use where a cutting unit has a rear roller brush or scraper fitted allowing the unit to be mounted so that the brush or scraper will not sit on the machine table. It can however also be used with smaller cutting units to provide improved access of grindstone to reel and to reduce the requirement for larger adjustments of the coarse positioning of the mounting bar in it's supports.

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